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The Abell Ranch

Lake George, Colorado


The Abell Ranch

This fifth generation 1,500-acre historic homestead settlement has the natural characteristics that truly embody fly fishing and hunting in Colorado. Timbered hillsides and vibrant riparian areas come together to show what has become known as the best private fishing property on the south platte river.

In 2018 the current owners bought the property including the 3 miles of the main stem south platte river and are funding the largest scope of riparian restoration and stream work on the south platte. Clint Packo and his team at Freestone Aquatics have designed and permitted the comprehensive restoration effort scheduled to be built in late summer 2021.

The Abell River Ranch remains the largest contiguous privately owned south platte river parcel from its headwaters through downtown Denver. Current owners manage this wild trout fishery to be a premium experience. Complete interior and exterior renovations to the JC Abell Homestead House and 3 miles of the main stem south platter river are home to brown, rainbow and cutthroat trout and kokanee salmon in the fall.

This ranch consists of 3 beats, 1 mile each and every desired fly-fishing experience can be found here. From small dry flies throughout summer, to dry dropper, nymphing, and streamer fishing, the Abell River Ranch is an exceptionally well -rounded offering.

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The Abell Ranch

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