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Rawhide Ranch

Bailey, Colorado


Rawhide Ranch

Encompassing 400 acres and 2 miles of the north fork of the south platte river near Bailey, Rawhide Flyfishers is one of our two premium offerings. Rawhide has become known as the most exclusive, best fishing and most scenic private water experience on the north fork.

In addition to excellent fishing, the unparalleled scenery and wildlife make this property a truly remarkable opportunity. This property has undergone a multi-million-dollar environmental restoration that was designed and built by Clint Packo and his team at Freestone Aquatics and has become one of the premier private water fishing opportunities in the west. Access is limited and quite restricted to this property and can only be achieved when working through one of our five partner outfitters.

Large rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout reside in this property that is split into three sections. Each section (beat) has restroom facilities, outdoor dining facilities and parking areas. Additionally, this property tends to fill all of its bookings early in the year so it is paramount to book early to ensure that you have an opportunity to enjoy the great property. With a nearly 100% return customer rate, make sure you contact one of our partner outfitters to reserve your day.

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Rawhide Ranch

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